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드럼 폐쇄

Chongyi 가장 전문 드럼 클로저 공급 제공합니다 XEAL®드럼 클로저 포함하여 드럼 폐쇄, 플라스틱 드럼 마개 및 플라스틱 주둥이 캡, 인 에센셜 모자 공급 일반적인 주요 산업 용기 같은스틸 드럼 모자플라스틱 드럼/HDPE 드럼 주석. Using 올바른 드럼 마감은 중요합니다 지역 엄격히 규제됩니다. XEAL®드럼 클로저 제조되었습니다 준수 ISO-1750-3 및 GB/T 13251-2018 표준 안전한 20 용기 무료 누설 오염 매년. The 선택 드럼 마개 소재 및 표면 처리 우리의 드럼 클로저 다양한 필러. Customers 항상 찾을 드럼 캡 여기에 그들의 용기!

종류 의 드럼 폐쇄

Proper Tite Seal Drum Closures Importances - 翻译中...

Proper drum closure is critical to prevent leaks and spills in industrial applications. By properly sealing a drum, companies can ensure the safety of their workers and the environment, as well as comply with regulations. Drum closures suppliers offer a variety of options, including bolt ring, lever lock, and clamp ring closures, as well as the necessary drum closure tools to secure them. Steel drum closures, such as tite seal drum closures, are particularly reliable and robust. Regular inspections of drum closures are crucial to maintain their integrity and prevent accidents. Companies should invest in high-quality drum closures from reputable suppliers to guarantee their reliable and long-lasting performance.

Tips for Inspecting Drum Closures and Maintaining Their Integrity - 翻译中...
  • Regular Inspections: Regular inspections are crucial to ensure the integrity of drum closures. They prevent leakage and spillage and guarantee worker safety and regulatory compliance.

  • Check for Cracks, Damages, and Deformations: During inspections, users should ensure that the closure is free of any cracks, damages, or deformations that may prevent it from sealing correctly.

  • Check the Gasket or Sealing Ring: They should also inspect the gasket or drum clamp ring for any wear and tear and replace it if necessary.

  • Check Bolts, Nuts, or Latches: It is essential to ensure that bolts, nuts, or latches are tight and secure the drum closure correctly.

  • Ensure Closure Sits Flush Against the Drum Flange: The drum closure should be flush against the drum flange, providing optimal sealing and securing against any leakage.

  • Drum Closure Tools: Suppliers of drum closures offer a range of drum closure tools to make inspection and maintenance easier. These industrial drum tools  may include wrenches, pliers, and torque tools, among others.

  • Invest in High-Quality Drum Closures: Steel drum closures, such as tite seal drum closures, are reliable and durable, making them a great investment for businesses.

In conclusion, the safe transportation and storage of hazardous materials rely heavily on the proper inspection and maintenance of drum closures. With the tips mentioned above, companies can ensure that their drum closures remain reliable and strong, preventing spills, leaks, and accidents. By investing in high-quality steel drum closures from reputable drum closures suppliers, companies can achieve compliance with regulations while also protecting their employees and the environment.

Drum Closure FAQ

드럼 클로저에는 어떤 종류의 가스켓이 있습니까?

PE 가스켓, EPDM 가스켓 블랙 buna 사용할 드럼 플러그. EPDM 가스켓 블랙 buna 사용할 드럼 플러그 드럼 플랜지. Special 공식화 가스켓 사용할.

Does XEAL®드럼 클로저 적응 다른 시장의 브랜드?

XEAL®55 갤런 드럼 마개 모자 다음과 ISO 표준 있으며 적응 표준 드럼 마개 드럼 플랜지 manufacturered 다른. However 사용하여 드럼 플러그 드럼 플랜지 생산 같은 제조 도움이 더 나은 씰링.

What 신청은 플라스틱 마개?

Generally, XEAL®플라스틱 드럼 마개포함 나사 플라스틱 마개 거친 스레드 플라스틱 마개. Fine 스레드 플라스틱 마개 주로 강철 드럼 클로저 수 맞는 표준 드럼 플랜지. Coarse 스레드 플라스틱 마개 주로 플라스틱 용기, 및 수십 디자인 인감 다른 입 플라스틱 드럼.

플라스틱 주둥이 뚜껑을 용기에 설치하는 방법은 무엇입니까?

The 넥 플라스틱 주둥이 캡 다릅니다. Some 플라스틱 주둥이 캡 설계 푸시, 추진 주둥이 캡 수 뚜껑 것입니다 인감. Special 장비 설치해야합니다 다른 spout 모자 같은 압착 도구 초음파 용접.

Contact Us
No.58 Qinjian Road, Hengshan Industrial Park, Shouchang Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China
30 년 이상 동안 DRUM 폐쇄 시스템 제조 전문
No.58 Qinjian Road, Hengshan Industrial Park, Shouchang Town, Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, China