Manufacture and use of open drums - 翻译中...June 25, 2023The use of the opening bucket: mainly used for loading paint, high rarefied liquid, powder, solid. The lid of the bucket can be fully opened, used and operated. There are two kinds of barrel hoops, b...view
The Process of the Drum flange - 翻译中...May 26, 2023The production process is mainly divided into forging, casting, cutting, rolling these four kinds. (1) Casting flange and forging flangeCasting out of the flange, blank shape size is accurate, process...view
The End Of National HolidayJune 30, 2022After 우리의 긴 National Holiday (양식 Oct, 1st to Oct, 7th) 우리의 판매 사람은 이미 다시 자신의. Welcome 모든 고객 이내에 inquries 미국 우리는 즐거움을 서비스를 제공. The...view
Spot Market For CokeJuly 1, 2022콜라: 4 월 8 일, 국내 콜라 시장 주류 일시적으로 안정적인 운영. 공급 측면에서 Luliang 지역의 두 콜라 기업은 최근 콜라 생산을 중단했으며 투기 적...view