What is Bucket Lid Seal? - 翻译中...June 19, 2023Thank you for reading today's post. The product we are introducing today is mainly about bucket lid seal, which can also be called waterproof cover. Below, we will introduce this product to you ba...view
볼트 성능 등급의 의미July 4, 2022The 번호 볼트 말합니다 강도. For 예를, 4.8 의미합니다 강도 수준 볼트 4.8, 및 전단 응력은 4.8 GPa. According 규정에 볼트...view
What is the importance of steel drum liner bags? - 翻译中...June 25, 2023Steel drum liner bags are a very important part of the transportation process. Here are some important reasons why steel drum liners are used when you are putting goods in steel drums for shipping pur...view